God has provided healing strategies for His children by both supernatural and natural means, and He is desperate for His people to open their eyes of understanding, so that they can perceive His truth. Are you ready to find out why you are missing out and remaining in sickness and oppression? Grab hold of these important truths revealed by cutting edge Christian prophetic voice and UK Intercessor, Leisa Ebere.
And Leisa's 2nd Book 'Emblems of Fire,' published this year which gives end times strategies according to the Word of God to Spirit Filled Believers. Both Books are available for purchase on Amazon.
You can watch Torchlighters TV Five Days a Week on Facebook and You Tube as follows UK time:
Mondays 7:30 pm-His Saving Grace with Pastor Lee Marsland
Tuesdays 7:30 pm-Apostolic Foundations-Apostle Dapo Benzoe & Prophet Emmanuel Annan
Wednesdays-7:30 pm-Prophetic Lighthouse-Intercessors Abi Shutti & Chika Ugwu and Pastor Joyce Vassal
Saturdays-GloryLand at 9:30 am (our Worldwide Children's' Broadcast)
Sundays: Torchlighters Online Church-5 pm with Prophetess-Leisa Ebere
Prophet's Forum-8 pm-with Leisa Ebere, Stephen Tuffour, and Bernice McGill